I would certainly like to make the DotLRN vbox available in a more lasting manner. Gustaf Neumann offered to host the image together with his XOTcl packages at We will arrange for that in the course of today.
As for maintenance, I fear that I don't have personal resources (time) to come up with vboxes for each DotLRN (pre-)release. However, as DotLRN is focal point of developments at our department / university and in the context of a EU-funded project that will last three years from now on I will certainly keep coming up with refreshed vboxes --- though not entirely in sync with DotLRN release cycles.
In my opinion there are still some design issues pending:
* Currently, it is a fully-configured DotLRN instance, however it might be interesting to offer an unconfigured vbox?
* We might also offer both ...
* Requirements already staged by previous efforts, namely OASISVM (