Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS on Windows

3: OpenACS on Windows (response to 1)
Posted by Winny Zhang on
Hi Jamie:
I don't know where AOLserver was installed. But the path to execute is "C:\OpenACS\nsd4\bin\nsd.exe" -S -s openacs-5.1.5 -t "c:\OpenACS\nsd4\binstallw.tcl".
In this file, I found
1. ns_log notice "Starting to read config file"

set home [file dirname [ns_info config]]
set bin [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]

# Setting the following should get you going.
set server "openacs-5.1.5"
set serverdesc "Openacs"
set dbhost ""
set dbname "oacs"
set dbuser "oacss"
set dbpasswd "oacss"
set hostname [ns_info hostname]
#set httpaddress [ns_info address]
set httpaddress ""
set httpport "80"
set instdir "c:\\OpenACS"

ns_log notice "hostname: $hostname"
ns_log notice "address: $httpaddress:$httpport"

2. Modules to load
ns_section ns/server/$server/modules
foreach m [list nsdb nssock nslog nsxml nscache nssha1 nsperm] {
ns_param $m $bin/$m.dll

The log I found is in C:\OpenACS\nsd4\log\openacs-5.1.5.log. In this log I saw:
1.[16/Jan/2006:15:03:48][3912.192][] Notice: PostgreSQL loaded.
2.[16/Jan/2006:15:18:53][556.1800][] Notice: nssock: listening on
3. [16/Jan/2006:15:42:15][3244.3348][-conn:openacs-5.1.5::0] Notice: Ns_PgOpenDb(postgres): Opened connection to

The erros I have in this log are
Error: Error sending email from user-new-2.tcl Expected a 250 status line; got:
550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Notice: acs-mail-lite: about to load qmail queue
Notice: queue dir = /new/*, no messages
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Warning: template::form::check_elements: MISSING FORMWIDGET: department_form:department_form:formbutton:ok
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Notice: acs-mail-lite: about to load qmail queue
Notice: queue dir = /new/*, no messages
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Notice: queue dir = /new/*, no messages
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request

In the web browser at http:\\localhost, I saw .LRN log in screen. I have regisetered and logged in. But when it's sending confirmation emails, said unable to do it.

That's what I found. Hopefully those will help you to find out what the problems are.

Thanks so much.


4: Re: OpenACS on Windows (response to 3)
Posted by Jamie Rasmussen on
OpenACS is not able to send email because your mail server is rejecting the login. You should talk to whoever is responsible for configuring your mail server to see what restrictions they have put in place.