Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS on Windows
I don't know where AOLserver was installed. But the path to execute is "C:\OpenACS\nsd4\bin\nsd.exe" -S -s openacs-5.1.5 -t "c:\OpenACS\nsd4\binstallw.tcl".
In this file, I found
1. ns_log notice "Starting to read config file"
set home [file dirname [ns_info config]]
set bin [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]
# Setting the following should get you going.
set server "openacs-5.1.5"
set serverdesc "Openacs"
set dbhost ""
set dbname "oacs"
set dbuser "oacss"
set dbpasswd "oacss"
set hostname [ns_info hostname]
#set httpaddress [ns_info address]
set httpaddress ""
set httpport "80"
set instdir "c:\\OpenACS"
ns_log notice "hostname: $hostname"
ns_log notice "address: $httpaddress:$httpport"
2. Modules to load
ns_section ns/server/$server/modules
foreach m [list nsdb nssock nslog nsxml nscache nssha1 nsperm] {
ns_param $m $bin/$m.dll
The log I found is in C:\OpenACS\nsd4\log\openacs-5.1.5.log. In this log I saw:
1.[16/Jan/2006:15:03:48][3912.192][] Notice: PostgreSQL loaded.
2.[16/Jan/2006:15:18:53][556.1800][] Notice: nssock: listening on
3. [16/Jan/2006:15:42:15][3244.3348][-conn:openacs-5.1.5::0] Notice: Ns_PgOpenDb(postgres): Opened connection to
The erros I have in this log are
Error: Error sending email from user-new-2.tcl Expected a 250 status line; got:
550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Notice: acs-mail-lite: about to load qmail queue
Notice: queue dir = /new/*, no messages
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Warning: template::form::check_elements: MISSING FORMWIDGET: department_form:department_form:formbutton:ok
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Notice: acs-mail-lite: about to load qmail queue
Notice: queue dir = /new/*, no messages
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Notice: queue dir = /new/*, no messages
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.prev_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: lang::message::lookup: Key 'calendar.next_month' does not exist in en_US
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.js" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
Error: rp_sources_filter: file "c:/OpenACS/openacs-5.1.5/www/resources/acs-templating/mktree.css" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request
In the web browser at http:\\localhost, I saw .LRN log in screen. I have regisetered and logged in. But when it's sending confirmation emails, said unable to do it.
That's what I found. Hopefully those will help you to find out what the problems are.
Thanks so much.