Regarding the register case, take a look at It's mapped to Login and Register work as expected from
The return_url is specified by ad_get_login_url
In this particular case, the return_url doesn't redirect back to the hostnode mapped domain, because many services break in that context. Instead, it serves the subsite via the main domain.
The login template etc are the default ones.
login.tcl has this slight change, to permit redirects back to the hostnode site:
< if { [util::external_url_p $return_url] } {
< ad_returnredirect -message "only urls with a valid host name are permitted" "."
> set locations_list [security::locations]
> # there may be as many as 3 valid full urls
> set external_url [util_complete_url_p $return_url]
> foreach location $locations_list {
> set external_url [expr { $external_url && ![string match "$location/*" $return_url] } ]
> }
> if { $external_url } {
> ad_returnredirect -message "only urls without a host name are permitted" "."