First, open a terminal window and sudo to root.
Next, edit the config.tcl file. Find the ns_section ending with "nsopenssl/sslcontext/client". Revise the CertFile and KeyFile names to:
ns_param CertFile certfile2.pem
ns_param KeyFile keyfile2.pem
Save the file.
# install nsopenssl
apt-get install aolserver4-nsopenssl
## make key/cert location
cd /etc/openacs
mkdir certs
cd certs
# generate key/certificate (This is a self-signed key)
openssl rand -out random1 20000
openssl rand -out random2 20000
openssl rand -out random3 20000
openssl genrsa -rand random1:random2:random3 -out keyfile.pem 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key keyfile.pem -out certfile.pem -days 1095
# make a copy of the key/cert pair, 1 pair per role (users,client)
cp keyfile.pem keyfile2.pem
cp certfile.pem certfile2.pem
# fix permissions
cd ../
chown -R www-data:www-data certs
##restart server
Browse to "https://localhost:8443"
Hopefully, this takes care of the issues you're facing. Please post any issues remaining.