Having spent some time just recently finally getting to grips with the xotcl includelet code. Amongst other things I have been experimenting with adding some social media links via new includelets.
The includelets I have added are:
1. {{tweet -via "" -url "" -text "" -count ""}}
This adds 'Tweet' button with counter to a page, and as such therefore to each Weblog posting if the content is viewed using the weblog viewer.
2. {{tweets -twitter_user "" -shell_bg "" -shell_color "" -tweet_bg "" -tweet_color "" -tweet_links "" -scrollbar false -loop false -live false -behaviour default}}
This adds a Twitter Widget. I have coded it to expose all the useful parameters, and they are pre-set with sensible defaults.
3. {{facebook -description "" -url}}
This adds a Facebook 'Like' button to an xowiki page, and it will point to the individual post when viewed in the Weblog viewer.
4. {{facebook-likebox -href "" -width 300px -height "" -colorscheme light -show_faces true -stream true -header true -border_color #cccccc -force_wall false}}
This adds a Facebook Like-Box to an xowiki page. I have exposed the useful parameters and set sensible defaults.
I would be happy to submit the code for consideration. If approved I would need to add some js resources to the openacs resources tree.