Forum OpenACS Development: Setup https
I set ns_openssl up on OACS although I am unable to access the site via https on the browser.
At first I thought the issue was whether nginx or the firewall was blocking port 8443. However I set https to port 8000 just for testing and the error remained
The scenario is:
I can access and log in the site through port 8000 with ns_openssl turned out.
Once I turn "ns_param nsopenssl" on, I can access the first page, which still is on port 8000, ( but when I click on "log in" the site is forwarded to https on default port 8443 ( and the the message "Website is offline" shows up.
"error.log" shows no errors, except for the harmless lines:
[08/Jul/2012:18:11:03][9963.3059129200][-default:0-] Warning: / has no doc(title) set.
[08/Jul/2012:18:11:04][9963.3055958896][-default:3-] Error: return: failed to redirect 'GET /global/file-not-found.html': exceeded recursion limit of 3
[08/Jul/2012:18:11:06][9963.3058072432][-default:1-] Warning: security::locations hostname '' from config.tcl does not match from util_current_location:
[08/Jul/2012:18:11:06][9963.3058072432][-default:1-] Notice: security::locations adding since utl_current_location different than config.tcl.
[08/Jul/2012:18:26:35][9963.3059129200][-default:0-] Error: return: failed to redirect 'GET /global/file-not-found.html': exceeded recursion limit of 3
[08/Jul/2012:18:28:28][9963.3054902128][-default:4-] Warning: security::locations hostname '' from config.tcl does not match from util_current_location:
[08/Jul/2012:18:28:28][9963.3054902128][-default:4-] Notice: security::locations adding since utl_current_location different than config.tcl.
nsopenssl configurations are properly set and logged on system startup:
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Error: pidfile: failed to open pid file '/usr/lib/aolserver4/log/nspid.cnauto': 'No such file or directory'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: encoding: loaded: utf-8
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: fastpath[cnauto]: mapped GET /
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: fastpath[cnauto]: mapped HEAD /
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: fastpath[cnauto]: mapped POST /
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: adp[cnauto]: mapped GET /*.adp
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: adp[cnauto]: mapped HEAD /*.adp
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: adp[cnauto]: mapped POST /*.adp
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nslog: opened '/var/www/cnauto/log/cnauto.log'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsopenssl-3.0/'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl: generating 512-bit temporary RSA key ...
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl: generating 1024-bit temporary RSA key ...
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): loading SSL context 'users'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'users' ciphers loaded successfully
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'users' using SSLv3 protocol
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'users' using TLSv1 protocol
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'users' certificate and key loaded successfully
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'users' CA file loaded successfully
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: users (nsopenssl): session cache is turned on for sslcontext 'cnauto'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): loading SSL context 'client'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'client' ciphers loaded successfully
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'client' using SSLv2 protocol
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'client' using SSLv3 protocol
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'client' using TLSv1 protocol
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'client' certificate and key loaded successfully
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): 'client' CA file loaded successfully
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: client (nsopenssl): session cache is turned on for sslcontext 'cnauto'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): default SSL context for server is users
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: default server SSL context: users
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): default SSL context for client is client
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: default client SSL context: client
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: nsopenssl (cnauto): loading 'users' SSL driver
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: PostgreSQL loaded.
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/lib/thread2.6.5/'
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: conf: [ns/server/cnauto]enabletclpages = 0
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: default thread pool: minthreads 5 maxthreads 10 idle 0 current 0 maxconns 100 queued 0 timeout 120 spread 20
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: XOTcl version 1.6.6 loaded
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:21][9963.3074774720][-main-] Noti
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:33][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: driver: starting: nsopenssl
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:33][9963.3066149744][-sched-] Notice: sched: starting
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:33][9963.3052788592][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: starting
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:33][9963.3052788592][-nsopenssl:driver-] Notice: nsopenssl: listening on
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:33][9963.3074774720][-main-] Notice: driver: starting: nssock
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:33][9963.3051731824][-nssock:driver-] Notice: starting
[08/Jul/2012:18:04:33][9963.3051731824][-nssock:driver-] Notice: nssock: listening on
[08/Jul/2012:18:05:31][9963.3053845360][-sched:idle0-] Notice: starting
Any ideas what i could be missing?
I turned off proxy server (nginx) and disarmed the firewall.
AOLServer is alone at front.
Make sure that the CertFile and KeyFile for the sslcontexts are pointing to a different set of files:
For example:
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nsopenssl/sslcontext/users"
ns_param CertFile server.crt.pem
ns_param KeyFile server.key.pem
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nsopenssl/sslcontext/client"
ns_param CertFile server.crt2.pem
ns_param KeyFile server.key2.pem
One set of files can be a copy of the other.
I also found another thread regarding HTTPS issues:
I applied them to my installation. Thanks for the tip Victor
Furthermore, It turned out that I sort of figured out what was causing the error on my HTTPS installation ( The site works on HTTP but when forwarded to the link it gets broken.
Surprisingly, within the file config.tcl, instead of the localhost address (, if I set the parameter address as the external IP then HTTPS works.
set address
#set address
what would be the cause?
Btw, I am using NGINX proxy server
If you are using nginx proxy server to serve https url, then trying to access aolserver directly via port 8443 would not work, because aolserver is not configured to serve port 8443 via https port. Instead, https port is served by the proxy server (nginx), where nginx is listening on the https port at the external address --a typical configuration for a proxy server.
I am not using nginx server to serve https. See bellow the nginx config file for that instance.
server {
location / {
root /var/www/ezysource;
client_max_body_size 40M;
proxy_read_timeout 200;
proxy_connect_timeout 200;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
The scenario I have now is:
1) The site works only through HTTPS. (I want it functioning for both HTTP and HTTPS. HTTPS must be used only to specific pages such as login, and etc. ( I am using ecommerce package.)
HTTP links are broken: "502 Bad Gateway"
I'm not sure but I think it isn't necessary to set up nginx to serve HTTPS. Is it?
I was blind for small details. I had forgotten to amend proxy_pass parameter on nginx config file.
Although, I still reluctant to accept the usage of external IP instead of local ( within nginx configuration's file as well as aolserver's config.tcl.
But anyway, at least it works now I can't deny that.