Forum OpenACS Q&A: Looking for a live chat feature for my site

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows of a good free live chat feature I can use on my website? I've integrated google custom search which works well but I really need a chatroom or chatbox.
Posted by juan gonzales on
You should try Chatwing, i've been using it on my websites and it makes everything more interactive and live, here ya go chatwing. com
Posted by Jim Lynch on

Does have an openacs package? Does it need for the web service to have a particular scripting language? if so, which one? Have you looked at openacs and determined that it has what chatwing needs? If not, can these requirements be loaded into aolserver/naviserv? Is it licensed as free software under the GPL?

-Jim, who is curious as to how easy the integration might be

Posted by juan gonzales on
Chatwing will work fine for you, basically, just customize ( your chat and embed the html code provided into any webpage. it should work in any setting you require as it is fully hosted. There are many usique admin features under the hood in the dashboard. check it out..
Posted by juan gonzales on
Also, every chat has a custom URL link provided for alias, so you do not have to integrate anything just have a link like, or
Posted by Jim Lynch on
Cool :) where can I get the source code of the server and client so I can build it into a site?

What license is the source released under?

Also for your info, there is a jabber server and client that is open source and at one point there was a package to integrate jabber, in case you happen to be interested. you can get the source for all parts of jabber, making it very flexible and open-ended.

Should you decide to look into it, I wish you best of luck; there is plenty of docs and lots of places where you can ask for help.