Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Notice: Deprecated proc ad_parameter used:

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
you are right, i missed 3 further occurances of ad_parameter (lars blogger is installed on, but not in use). This is fixed now in cvs HEAD.

all the best

cvs update ...

restart openacs and ...

voilá 😉

If I see further occurences in some package I'll post them here.


Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Great. Please do so! -g
Hi Gustaf

I put here some new findings of "deprecated warning" in my logs. Two new packages:

* Comments Package:
In openacs/packages/general-comments/www/comment-add (and comment-add-2 and 3 ...)
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_require_permission used:
Notice: Deprecated proc export_form_vars used:

It ends in error:
ERROR: column "get_value__parameter_id" does not exist at character 128
QUERY: select attr_value from apm_parameter_values v
where v.package_id = get_value__package_id
and parameter_id = get_value__parameter_id

* Survey Package
In openacs/packages/survey/www/index
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_maybe_redirect_for_registration used:
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_permission_p used:

In openacs/packages/survey/www/respond
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_maybe_redirect_for_registration used:
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_require_permission used:
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_get_user_id used:
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_get_user_id used:
Notice: Deprecated proc philg_quote_double_quotes used:
Notice: Deprecated proc ad_get_user_id used:
Notice: Deprecated proc philg_quote_double_quotes used:
Notice: Deprecated proc export_form_vars used:

(I think that some warnings might be caused of some custom code)

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
You should use general-comments from the oacs-5-8 branch. Below is the list of the cleaned-up packages from
HEAD     bookmarks
HEAD     bug-tracker
HEAD     directory
HEAD     download
HEAD     edit-this-page
HEAD     irc-logger
HEAD     lars-blogger
HEAD     oct-election
HEAD     photo-album
HEAD     ref-us-counties
HEAD     ref-us-states
HEAD     schema-browser
HEAD     static-pages
HEAD     trackback
HEAD     user-preferences
HEAD     workflow
HEAD     wp-slim
HEAD     xml-rpc
HEAD     xolirc
oacs-5-8 acs-admin
oacs-5-8 acs-api-browser
oacs-5-8 acs-authentication
oacs-5-8 acs-automated-testing
oacs-5-8 acs-bootstrap-installer
oacs-5-8 acs-content-repository
oacs-5-8 acs-core-docs
oacs-5-8 acs-datetime
oacs-5-8 acs-developer-support
oacs-5-8 acs-events
oacs-5-8 acs-kernel
oacs-5-8 acs-lang
oacs-5-8 acs-mail-lite
oacs-5-8 acs-messaging
oacs-5-8 acs-reference
oacs-5-8 acs-service-contract
oacs-5-8 acs-subsite
oacs-5-8 acs-tcl
oacs-5-8 acs-templating
oacs-5-8 acs-translations
oacs-5-8 ajaxhelper
oacs-5-8 attachments
oacs-5-8 calendar
oacs-5-8 categories
oacs-5-8 faq
oacs-5-8 file-storage
oacs-5-8 forums
oacs-5-8 general-comments
oacs-5-8 news
oacs-5-8 notifications
oacs-5-8 oacs-dav
oacs-5-8 openacs-default-theme
oacs-5-8 ref-countries
oacs-5-8 ref-language
oacs-5-8 ref-timezones
oacs-5-8 rss-support
oacs-5-8 search
oacs-5-8 tsearch2-driver
oacs-5-8 xotcl-core
oacs-5-8 xotcl-request-monitor
oacs-5-8 xowiki
"survey" is not on my watch-list, we use it nowhere, therefore i have not touched it. Since you seem to be using it, and i am still in cleanup mode, i can put some effort into this package as well.

Concerning the SQL error: this seems unrelated to me. As it looks, the change [1] from October 2010 is missing. Interestingly, i can't find an upgrade script for this function, so this was probably forgotten. will take care for this as well on the next opportunity.

-gustaf neumann



OK, I'd checked out with cvs checkout (not cvs checkout -r oacs-5.8.0 . Now it is working nice. I had some confusion. I'll keep in mind this list to checkout all my "deprecated proc" warnings. Thanks for the cleanup, I think it's worthy.

About survey, as you wish. I can do it cleanup in my installation or test your cleanup (but if anybody is using it perhaps it doesn't worth the effort).

Concerning SQL error. Yes, it is unrelated with this (I'll follow up with this in a specific thread, ok?)

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Hi Cesareo,

the following changeset updates the "survey" packages to a similar level as the packages in the oacs-5-8 branch. Note, that the update for this package happened in the HEAD branch.
Hope, i got everything. Please test.


Hi Gustaf

Ok, Thanks. "deprecated proc warning dissapear". There are some "....has no doc(title) set"

I had an error (I'll open a new thread now (I put my self in "test mode" to check the package)

I'll keep here if I get more "deprecated proc warnings" and I'll take in mind the list above.

Thanks so much for the "fall cleanup" (or in this South Hemisphere Spring Cleanup 😉 )

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
good. will look at this as well. -g
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
fixed the passing on one place (in cvs HEAD), please recheck.
Sorry, I didn't understand. Do you mean, all packages en cvs HEAD has been checked?

I'm checking logs to see what "deprecated warnings" appears. I'm going very slow because I've to merge some code (and I inherit deprecated procs).

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
no, not all packages! this was a followup to the "....has no doc(title) set" in the "survey" package, where i wrote previously "will look at this as well."
Ah ok 😊. Anyway, As I check my logs, I use this list to upgrade my packages.