OpenACS creates by default custom bounce addresses in package acs-mail-lite.
ad_proc -public bounce_address {
} {
Composes a bounce address
@option user_id user_id of the mail recipient
@option package_id package_id of the mail sending package
(needed to call package-specific code to deal with bounces)
@option message_id message-id of the mail
@return bounce address
} {
return "[bounce_prefix]-$user_id-[ns_sha1 $message_id]-$package_id@[address_domain]"
Based on our experience, most mailers reject e-mails with a non-existing email address, since SPAM mails usually have an invalid bounce email:
localhost postfix/local[14071]: CD99CB8078: to=, relay=local, delay=0.48, delays=0.34/0.08/0/0.06, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user: "bounce-31300-a61ed9ca5c39b63ddf28c3862041d042bd73450a-21457"
To avoid this problem, we simply patched function "bounce_address" as follows:
RCS file: /home/cvsroot/acs-mail-lite/tcl/bounce-procs.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -r1.2 bounce-procs.tcl
< return "[bounce_prefix]-$user_id-[ns_sha1
> return "";
Is there anybody else experiencing this sort of issue?
Is there something that would speak against an acs-mail-lite parameter "BounceAddress" and the option to choose between a fixed bounce address and the legacy solution?