Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Strange behavior with AOLserver on Ubuntu 14.04

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Dear Gustaf,

thanks for pointing this out. I take a few lessons from it:

1. Well documented does not mean it shows up in Google search results (at least Link 2 did not and the top search result now is this thread 😊.
2. Gone are the good old days when we could install OpenACS or ]project-open[ without compiling the web server manually (as the packages won't work) on current versions of (at least) Ubuntu.
3. We need an installation instruction for ]project-open[ on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS which is more detailed than the current one for 12.04 LTS. And make sure it is linked and can be found using google search 😊.
4. ]project-open[ should eventually move to OpenACS 5.8, Naviserver and PG 8.3 in order to benefit from the larger OpenACS community (otherwise I would not have posted outdated acs-templating code). Maybe it happens before PG 10 / OpenACS 6.x is out.

Best wishes

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on

regarding 1: google's results depend on the search string :) needless to say that i found link 2 via google.
regarding 2: the appropriate way to report a bug in a debian package is to submit a bug report to the debian maintainer. especially, when there is a fix, this is usually quickly integrated. There is also a debian package for naviserver [1]
regarding 3: an installation based on [2] can be shorter than the current one and works on more platforms
regarding 4: PO should move towards PG 9.* and to towards pg8.*. I've sent patches to install intranet-hr under pg9.3 in oct 2013 (including notifications, intranet-core, acs-workflow, intranet-dynfield)


Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
regarding 2: Yeah, but I'm not sure what exactly is the fix, as I had to use the HEAD version of AOLserver, nssha1, nspostgres and nscache to get it working. Not what i would recommend to the Debian maintainer.
regarding 3: Yes... I was actually using this one as a reference point for my installation instructions at Maybe Frank can look into making a more generic version available.
regarding 4: I assume those patches run on top of OpenACS 5.8 and work with Naviserver? Then it would be great to get them, as haven't seen them incorporated into ]project-open[ yet (
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
the recommendation to the debian-maintainer should be: please upgrade to the lasted, fixed version from cvs.

regarding the last point: the changes have nothing to do with naviserver, but to bring po to the same level as oacs (e.g fix old-style sql quoting, get rid of deprecated functions, make po installable from scratch with pg 9.3, etc. my hope was mostly, to get the free PO components installable via repository, similar as dotlrn is now installable via repo, but this seems still a longer way.