I have been fumbling with OpenACS for some time now, and use it (and have used it) for practical purposes providing a platform for some of my (community oriented) classes and projects (and am planning to use it for a long time to come).
Although I consider the documentation and forum information quite good, I have spent a lot of time to get (and keep) things going and I learnt to keep some sort of diary.
And during deployment, many practical issues emerged and keep emerging, issues solved that may be useful information for others like me.
Like me - that is the singleton user who profits from the communities he can support and who suffers every time-loss (as she may feel) in admin research as time to be minimized.
Now I guess that these others like me are an important target audience for involvement in the OpenACS community. But how? I post this message on te impulse that I am greatful to the community for providing such a wonderful toolkit and am concurrently wondering how I can do something in return without turning myself in a programmer. My gut makes me feel that documenting my experience might be useful to others. But I do not really see an adequate channel. The TIP forum clearly has an other purpose (and requires proposals, not useful heuristics). The Q&A forum seems a bit off target also. Is there room for a dedicated channel?