De Gustibus ...
I certainly like design 2 much better, maybe with some minor enhancements (could be over time) like the
details/colours in the download button. A palette of fresh, well balanced coulours will invite much more
than the "Plastic outlook" of desing 1. Design 1 looks very (sorry) "American" - also much more like
fashionable game-look and it is because of that not so appropriate (nothing against the quality and the
artwork of the design - on the first look I thought it looks brilliant - but on the second look I would
prefer to come back to a design-2 based site).
What Alex concerns I just think that he is definitively a "member of the family" and reminds us of the
brilliant impuls of Philip as well as of the downfall of the "over commercialised AD". Looking out of the O
he is there right in the middle - I like it.
So I'd like to see this clear and light face as our entrance and then some of the more fancy layouts in some
Demo-Screenshots easy accessible from the homepage.
I also would like to thank the whole community at this place for the ongoing enthusiasm and now for the
fresh wind coming up over those last weeks!
Christian Eva