With much discussion on IRC we have agreed to go with design #3. The aim of design #3 is to keep non technical people and technical people happy or just acceptable. And it seem to have achieved its aim.
Here are the facts:
1. We have a working design for the launch and the priority is still the site up and running and not the design.
2. There is no big objections on design #3 from both ends of the spectrum (marketing and techy people). All seems to boil into personal preferance.
3. We will take into the account of the revisions... but that will be made on the adp it self. Like Til's suggestion of removing the download link. A couple of people like to toy around to reduce the yellow bar.
4. We are looking for volunteers to get the design into adp. I might do it but I still have to check... no commitments.
5. We are still happy to get new designs but it must be in adp form already.
6. Sorry for not offering any poll... I just want to get this moving. Anyway if anybody objects just go for #5.
The end result hopefully will produce a site that will make us happy if not acceptable to us. Lets move on forward.