I am very impressed by the quality and scale of .LRN. It is a great
piece of art, but unfortunately it does not support Polish. Therefore
I would love to see locale-able version of .LRN; i.e. which has UI in
national language. Of course I would also like to have a chance
to work on it. For me it is enough that the language and the charset
are set at the install time. Of course the all-language support,
ability to choose the language for the particular user would be even
better, but it is also harder to get and will take more time...
As a first step I have made some attempts to do some hardcoded
translation of .LRN.
However the problems that arose seem to be just too difficult for me.
My install is RedHat 6.2, oracle 8.1.7, OACS, .LRN
( I have installed acs-lang package and used the ini.tcl config
ns_section "ns/parameters"
/ cut .../
ns_param HackContentType true
ns_param UrlCharset iso-8859-2
ns_param OutputCharset iso-8859-2
ns_param HttpOpenCharset iso-8859-2
/cut .../
ns_section "ns/mimetypes"
ns_param default "*/*" ;# MIME type for unknown
ns_param noextension "*/*" ;# MIME type for missing
ns_param ".html" "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
ns_param ".htm" "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
ns_param ".txt" "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2"
ns_param ".tcl" "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2"
ns_param ".adp" "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
/cut .../
# Tcl Configuration
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/tcl"
ns_param autoclose "on"
ns_param debug "true"
ns_param SystemEncoding iso-8859-2
what works:
- static output from adp pages
- dynamically created by TCL only (without asking
database)elements of page with iso-8859-2 characters dynamic input and
output ( forums )
what does not:
- headers of portlets at the user "MySpace" are displayed with
ASCII - not iso-8859-2 characters
- I have changed get_pretty_name proc in the
faq-portlet packages's tcl dir so it returns the message in Polish
with national characters
- got displayed it with '?' instead of Polish characters
- I have changed pretty_name field in
portal_elements_map to the proper one with sqlplus
- within sqlplus the pretty_name is OK, but from browser
it is not.
- moved database to ee8iso8859p2 charset, then installed
the OACS and .LRN
- still the same.
- the departments and subjects whose names contain national
characters break the links to their portals
One more thing - The national language support of acs-lang do not work
with .LRN ( in my case ) from the start.
What I have done to make it work:
1. Thrown away acs-lang and the iso8859-2 stuff from ini.tcl file
(mentioned above)
2. Installed OACS and .LRN in ASCII
3. Brought back the acs-lang package to the packages dir
4. Installed acs-lang and brought back the iso-8859-2 stuff to the
ini.tcl file
5. Restarted the server.
The questions:
1. How can I change the portlet headers to be seen in iso-8859-2 ?
2. Is the effort of static translation of any use for the community
3. Is there a place to send national translations ?
4. Is there any organized effort in that direction ? /i would not like
to double somebody's work /
5. How about callendar?