Here are the OpenACS packages that OpenForce currently manages
(although we've also gotten many patches from the community on these!
Thanks to all contributors):
- forums - in good state (thanks all for the patches!)
- calendar (uggh) - in okay state, wish we could rewrite it from
- attachments - works well, integrated with forums and calendar
- notifications - works well, integrated with forums, manages
incoming email queues
- acs-mail-lite - you should all use this! It's cool! :)
- bulk-mail - works well, spam with subst vars
- new-portal / portal - still a bit rough to use outside of dotLRN, but
getting there (moving this to OpenACS)
- a bunch of portlet packages - FAQ, news, calendar, bulk-mail,
forum (moving these to OpenACS)
- a handful of revamped Tcl APIs in the core (permission, etc...)
- profile-provider and user-profile
- user-preferences - not quite ready for prime time