Forum OpenACS Development: Do NOT change oacs-5-2 package required by .LRN

Apparently word hasn't gotten around, but we're actually trying to push out a .LRN 2.2. release sometime before I die of old age.

This means that 5.2 packages required by .LRN should NOT be changed by the general community.

We are already about two months late with this release. I am making a beta3 tarball to release this weekend. THE GOAL IS FOR THIS TO BE OUR RELEASE AFTER A WEEK OR SO OF TESTING.

So please, NO CHANGES. There's been a small group of us coordinating on which bugs would be fixed for this release, but it's too late for anyone new to join us (because for all practical purposes the code base for .LRN 2.2 is FROZEN).

This means no changes to the 5.2 branch of acs-core (which has already been released as 5.2.3), dotlrn-all, and dotlrn-extras.

Posted by Dario Roig on
In the university of Valencia we are preparing the installation of .LRN for course 2006/2007, we initiated in September.

Day 13 we unloaded the branch 5_2 of cvs and are testing it. To that we can sent the detected errors?

We have tried to solve this reported error, the bug was sent the date
2005-10-25 by Rafael Calvo:

The changes for solve this bug are, in

Add new paramater "ImageUploadTypes"
---original code ---
element create img upload \
-datatype file \
-widget file \
-label {File} \
-html [list accept [parameter::get -parameter ImageUploadTypes]] \
-validate [list img_type \
{test_file_type [ns_queryget upload.tmpfile]} \
"Image must be one of the following types:
[parameter::get -parameter ImageUploadTypes]" \

Add in the packages required, image-magick:
The package news "image-choose.tcl" use the package image-magick

--original code ---
if { [form is_valid img] } {
form get_values img upload
set srcfile [ns_queryget upload.tmpfile]
set imgfile [ImageMagick::tmp_file]
ImageMagick::convert \
-geometry [parameter::get -parameter ImageGeometry] \
-output_format [parameter::get -parameter ImageFormat] \
$srcfile $imgfile
element set_value img upload {}
set imgfile [ImageMagick::shorten_tmp_file $imgfile]
set image_url "image-view-tmpfile/$imgfile"
set form_vars [eval "export_form_vars [join $vars] imgfile"]
set mode preview
} else {
set mode form

The image not shown in the news, the changes for solve are, add the var
publish_image in item.adp and item.tcl.

Can I upload the changes to HEAD, please?.
