We wouldn't even have started with our own stuff here if there would have been some previous work. So yes, that's a pitty. But maybe "competition" is rising the spirits (and code quality) on all ends?
However, SOAP and XML-RPC are very different protocols and known web services such as the one from Google support both protocols, and even REST as a third one. Also, there may be differences in the priorities and scope. For example, we had to "reinvent" full-text search and filestorage for ]project-open[, because the existing stuff was completely unsuitable for us.
Another option is to keep our stuff private and sell it as a proprietary package. I've got no problem with that either... :--)
So Roc, I'm really curious to see your code. Could you please send me the current version as soon as possible? Maybe we can still stop the development here and adapt your stuff.