I just finished intalling xotcl using xotcl-1.4.0.tar.gz, xotcl-core-0.41.apm, and xotcl-request-monitor-0.37.apm according to
http://media.wu-wien.ac.at/download/README-xotcl-core and
https://openacs.org/xowiki/en/xotcl-core. After I installed XOTcl Core and XOTcl Request Monitor from local, I got a server error, initially:
"Server Error, The requested URL cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server."
After a 2nd installation, the server still doen't work and I get the following error message:
* Main Site »Administration
Server Error
There was a server error processing your request. We apologize.
Take me back where I was (before the error)
::throttle: unable to dispatch method 'postauth'
while executing
"$proc $why"
My packages: Kernel 2.6.16-2-686, Debian, Gnome2.14, tcl8.4, openACS-5.2.3, aolserver40r10.
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.