Focus on have all the actual test pass for acs-core (no more new test), plus start classifying the bugs in the bug-tracker.
The aims is to have the 5.3.x releases to "pass tests", so we aim to branch for alpha on september 06.
Join us at IRC!!!
And post in what are you working in this thread, so we avoid duplicate efforts.
Check Test server info:
Test failing in official test server (20/sept):
acs-templating spellcheck__get_element_formtext
acs-templating spellcheck__spellcheck_properties
acs-tcl front_page_1
acs-tcl ad_proc_fire_callback (Cesar is working on it)
acs-tcl datamodel__named_constraints (Byron is working on it)
acs-tcl documentation__check_proc_doc
acs-tcl ad_context_bar_multirow
acs-content-repository image_new
acs-content-repository cr_item_search_triggers
acs-content-repository image_new
acs-content-repository cr_item_search_triggers
acs-subsite acs_subsite_expose_bug_775
acs-tcl front_page_1
acs-tcl ad_proc_fire_callback
acs-tcl datamodel__named_constraints
acs-tcl documentation__check_proc_doc
acs-tcl files__check_upgrade_ordering
acs-tcl ad_context_bar
acs-tcl ad_context_bar_multirow
Select one of them and fix it! Figure out if you can fix it for both DB's. Please announce here in what are you working!