Forum OpenACS Q&A: nsopenssl error on form submissions

Posted by Alex Kroman on
Every day I see about a dozen occurrences of the following error:

Error: nsopenssl (ibr): SSL write error: bad write retry

I can reproduce the error the following way:

1) Using Internet Explorer on Windows (This error never shows up with any other browser)

2) Repeatedly submit a form. Eventually one of those submits will fail and give the generic Internet Explorer connection error.

Has anyone run into this problem?

I am using the Debian versions of AOLServer 4.0.10 and nsopenssl 3.0beta22

Posted by Torben Brosten on
I don't see an 'ibr' related error on freebsd using nsopenssl tagged v3_0beta26. The latest revisions address some serious problems. Try upgrading nsopenssl.