The reason, why i am coming back to the encoding issue is that i have seen many OpenACS installations (100+) on different operating systems, but i have not seen these errors. i am just trying to help you, since when you work on with wrong encodings, you will run sooner or later into troubles. Most of the Web sites are today in UTF-8, Tcl supports UTF-8 natively, etc. In general, it should be possible to change the encoding at some later time [1], but i have not tried this.
installing OpenACS means: perform all necessary steps to run an OpenACS based web site. OpenACS consists of the so-called core-packages [1] and the application packages. about 90 of the packages are maintained.
In order to run OpenACS, one needs the following software components:
- a web server (NaviServer, AOLserver)
- a database (PostgreSQL, Oracle)
- a few extra components (TDom, tcllib, XOTcl)
In order to Install OpenACS, one might have to install and configure the needed software components.
Then, one should get OpenACS either via tar or via source code repository. The recent tar files
contain just the oacs-core packages. Once, acs-core is installed (the step, where you saw in your
first attempt the error), one can install other OpenACS packages, either directly from the OpenACS repository,
of from the local file system (checkout from a source code repository). The latter is typical for developer,
developing their own packages, tailoring the system, etc.
The documentation of OpenACS needs much work, esp. for beginners. Once you have installed OpenACS,
you should also install the developer support, which provides the API browser. The developer support
is quite convenient to learn about the system, to see what templates are used in what situation, or
what SQL queries are executed for some URLs.
Does this help?