We were looking into a ]project-open[ errors on OpenACS 5.9, which was cause by a select of "nextval" from one of these sequence views frequently used in OpenACS. We fixed it very quickly.
We then started a "find" for ".nextval" in all of OpenACS and found a number of occurrences. I understand that all of these occurrences wil produce errors in PG 9.x. Maybe the occurrences are irrelevant? I've tried to classify them below.
"Actual Issues" (I believe):
- ./acs-kernel/sql/postgresql/utilities-create.sql
- ./acs-tcl/tcl/00-database-procs-postgresql-postgresql.xql
- ./acs-tcl/tcl/00-database-procs.tcl
Issues in deprecated packages(?)
- ./chat/sql/postgresql/chat-create.sql
- ./events/www/admin/event-price-ae.tcl
- ./events/www/admin/spam/action-choose.tcl
Issues in outdated XoWiki Version(?)
- ./xotcl-core-po/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl
- ./xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl
Issues in the documentation
- ./acs-content-repository/www/doc/tutorial.adp
- ./acs-core-docs/www/db-api-detailed.adp
- ./acs-core-docs/www/db-api.adp
- ./acs-core-docs/www/files/acceptance-sql.txt
- ./acs-core-docs/www/xml/developers-guide/db-api.xml
- ./acs-core-docs/www/xml/files/acceptance-sql.txt
- ./acs-core-docs/www/xml/kernel/db-api.xml
- ./acs-templating/www/doc/guide/forms.adp
- ./acs-templating/www/doc/guide/wizards.adp
- ./acs-tcl/tcl/form-processing-procs.tcl