I'm using a date field in an
{label "Plazo"}
{html {id sel1} }
{help_text "Format MM/DD/YYYY"}
{after_html { <input type='reset' value=' ... ' onclick=\"return showCalendar('sel1', 'm/d/y');\"> \[m-d-y\] }}
showCalendar use m-d-y format but I need MM/DD/YYYY . I know (https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=330424) that showCalendar has been updated to support format but I use OACS 5.1. So,
How can I change format before sending the form? I had TCL code (with deadline with format value m-d-y):
regexp {([0-9]+)-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])} $deadline match year month day
set deadline ""
append deadline $month "/" $day "/" $year
but I don't know where do I have to put it? I try with on_submit but didn't work
Any Idea