Forum OpenACS Q&A: postgres installation

Posted by vivan siv on
im trying to install postgres ...using the documation on line for
installing postgre 7.1.3 (MAT) i get up to this stage

Red Hat:

postgres:~$ su -
Password: ***********
root:~# cp /tmp/postgresql.txt /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
root:~# chown root.root /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
root:~# chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresqlTest the script

and when i try to put this command into linux .....
==root:~# /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop
i get the following
: bad interpreter: no such file or directory ...
now i do have the file which i downloaded from the doucnmentation
and i changes to premissions on it
but still not working ... any ideas

Posted by defunct defunct on
Try doing

/usr/local/bin/pgsql/pg_ctl -d /usr/local/pgsql/data start (or stop)

Assuming your pg installation is in those directories (substitute as appropriate) and confirm whether this works..

Also (and I'm not sure) but I assume the root account also need environmetn variable set for postgres

Posted by Luigi Martini on
I just read somewhere at this site that PG 7.2.1 is much more interesting and OpenACS compliant than previous releases are. I am not an expert, and can only suggest you double check before installing. Also, as far as I can say, the documentation you find here allows you to install even PG 7.2.1.
Posted by Jeff Davis on
when you get the message "bad interpreter" here it means that your shell
was not able to find the command specified at the to of the file
(the first line should be "#! /bin/sh").  If for some reason /bin/sh
does not exist on your system you could either make /bin/sh a link
to bash (cd /bin; ln -s bash sh) or change the line to "#! /bin/bash".

Which version of redhat is it?  I can't imagine /bin/sh being absent
but I don't have anything older than rh7.1 to look at.