Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Use of master templates

Posted by Jeff Davis on
I have checked in the bulk of the changes to remove all package local master templates and rationalize the context bar generation. I have not templated the error messages or the tcl pages which are not currently templated.

Here are my notes per package with the packages that are currently outstanding. Hopefully I have not broken too many things but if anyone does an install please let me know how it goes and if you run into problems with the templated pages just send me an email and I will fix it.


notdone bug-tracker/ since Lars working on it...
notdone cms/ swamp+frames ugh.  Kill Karl Now.
notdone cms-news-demo/ ?
notdone ecommerce/ cb_vals (mailed Bart T. to ask about whether he was
                           doing -- he said he would).
notdone lars-blogger/ cb_vals need to check if it's up to date.
notdone photo-album/ cb_args (I have butchered it and am not to a
                     point where I can check in).
notdone search/ (annoying streaming output to deal with)


** +did acs-admin/ cb_vals (-> cb_args)
** +did acs-api-browser/ cb_vals (-> cb_args) 
Skipped acs-automated-testing/ (not sure if this needs special treatment).
Skipped acs-bootstrap-installer/ No ADP
Skipped acs-content/ No ADP
Skipped acs-content-repository/ No ADP
Skipped acs-core-docs/ No ADP 
Skipped acs-datetime/ ADPs are examples
Skipped acs-developer-support/ no ADPs 
Skipped acs-events/ No ADPs 
Skipped acs-interface/ No ADPs 
Skipped acs-kernel/ No ADP
Skipped acs-lang/ ADP is an example
Skipped acs-ldap-authentication/ ADP is example
Skipped acs-mail/ No ADP
Skipped acs-mail-lite/ No ADP 
Skipped acs-messaging/ No ADP 
Skipped acs-notification/ No ADP
Skipped acs-reference/ No ADP
** +did acs-service-contract/ cb_vals (-> cb_args)
** +did acs-subsite/ cb_vals
Skipped acs-tcl/ No ADP
Skipped acs-templating/ No ADP (except examples)
Skipped acs-util/
** +did acs-workflow/ cb_vals (-> cb_args) needs testing.
** +did address-book/ cb_vals (-> cb_args) needs testing.
** +did adserver/ cb_vals (-> cb_args) needs testing.
OK attachments/
OK authorize-gateway/
** +did bboard/ cb_args (->cb_vals oops)
Skipped bboard-portlets/ No ADP
** +did bookmarks/ tested
notdone bug-tracker/ since Lars working on it...
** +did bulk-mail/ cb_vals (->cb_args) needs testing
** +did calendar/ cb_args tested (except some broken pages).
** +did chat/ cb_vals (->cb_args) needs testing.
** +did clickthrough/ cb_vals (->cb_args) needs testing.
notdone cms/ swamp+frames ugh.  Kill Karl Now.
notdone cms-news-demo/ ?
** +did cronjob/ cb_vals (->cb_args) tested.
** +did directory/ cb_args tested.  removed markup from master template but retained style sheet.
** +did download/ cb_args tested.  markup still a mess.  found a couple bugs as well (ticketed).
notdone ecommerce/ cb_vals (mailed Bart T. to ask about whether he was
                           doing -- he said he would).
** +did edit-this-page/ cb_vals (->cb_args) tested.  fixed etp-symlink bug.
Skipped email-handler/ No ADP
** +did faq/ cb_args tested.
Skipped file-manager/ No ADP
** +did file-storage/ cb_args needs testing.
** +did forums/ cb_args tested.  references ../master.
Skipped gatekeeper/ No ADP
** +did general-comments/ cb_args tested (excpt uploads).
** +did glossary/ cb_vals tested
Skipped intermedia-driver/
notdone lars-blogger/ cb_vals 
Skipped monitoring/ 
Skipped mp3jukebox/
** +did mp3-jukebox/ cb_args tested.
** +did news/ cb_args tested.
** +did notes/ cb_vals (->cb_args) tested.
** +did notifications/ cb_vals tested.
** +did openfts-driver/ cb_vals (-> cb_args) not tested.
Skipped page/ 
** +did payflowpro/ not tested
Skipped payment-gateway/ (nothing to do)
notdone photo-album/ cb_args (I have butchered it and am not to a
                     point where I can check in).
Skipped photo-album-lite/ cb_vals Swamp (plus version only works on oracle)
Skipped places/
** +did portal/ cb_vals tested mostly.  Need to fix css bit in local master template.
** +did postcard/ added titles and context. tested.
** +did press/ cb_args Not Tested.
Skipped ref-countries/ No ADPs
Skipped ref-currency/ No ADPs
Skipped ref-language/ No ADPs
Skipped ref-timezones/ No ADPs
Skipped ref-us-counties/ No ADPs
Skipped ref-us-states/ No ADPs
Skipped ref-us-zipcodes/ No ADPs
** +did robot-detection/ not tested. trivialish though.
** +did rss-support/ not tested.
** +did sample-gateway/  not tested. trivialish though.
Skipped schema-browser/ Not templated. 
notdone search/ (annoying streaming output to deal with)
Skipped shipping-gateway/ No ADPs
** +did simple-survey/ cb_args (some cb_vals bugs I think) tested.
** +did site-wide-search/ not tested.
Skipped skin/ nothing to do (well, context maybe but save for another day)
** +did spam/ not tested at all
** +did static-pages/
** +did ticket-tracker/
** +did ticket-tracker-lite/
Skipped timezones/
Skipped user-preferences/ 
** +did value-based-shipping/ not tested
Skipped version-control/ No ADPs 
Skipped wap/ No masters.
Skipped webmail/ hard to do without working version.
** +did wf-ticket-tracker/
** +did wp-slim/ cb_vals (->cb_args) tested