What you are describing is the normal evolution of *any* software product. The difference is that because its an 'open' product you have transparency during development. Just because you can't normally see the process, doesn't mean its not going on in any other product.
Therefore I think your comments are somewhat unfair.
Version 4.5 has not been in beta for a year, its been a stable release.
4.6 is due for full release in the coming weeks (rather than months).
Is 4.5 stable enough to build on.. Yes.
If you're strating a new development should you use 3.x.... No.
If your delivery isn;t going to be finished in the next couple of weeks (which I guess is the case) then I'd base it onthe current 4.6 pre-beta. It shouldn't be too difficult to work in bug fixes etc once the full release is out...
I'd also like to take issue with 'I think OpenACS community will demonstrate maturity by introducing "better less but better" principle'
Thas exactly what is happening. 4.6 is not a major functional overhaul, its very much a consolidation release based on things found in 4.5...
OpenACS 4 in general has a *much* better foundation/design underpinning that 3 (whihc frankly looks dated these days) and has maintained a reasonably stable data model core throughout its development.
So, hope that advice helps, and hope thats set OpenACS 4 in its proper context.