Forum OpenACS Development: Win32-OpenACS

Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Dear all,
I've just compiled an actual native win33 (no Cygwin, no VMware) port of OpenACS.

The port consists of the following components:
1. aolserver-5.4.0
2. tcl-8.4.14
3. tDom-0.8.0
4. postgresql-8.0.9
5. openacs-5.2.3

The port can be obtained at the following URL:

Hope it helps,

2: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 1)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
wow, great version numbers (win33 = Vista?), aolserver 5.4..
Just joking.

This seems very userful for starters. Did you try how it compares under stress situations with a resonable sized database to e.g. a linux version?


3: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 2)
Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Yep!!! I should have written win32 and not win33.

I did this port exactly for performance analys... when I have some results I'll post them...

Cheers and thanks,

4: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 3)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
don't forget to fix the version number for the aolserver, also on your site.. -gustaf
6: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 4)
Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Done! Thanks!
5: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 1)
Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
It's me again: this is the correct message:

Dear all,
I've just compiled an actual native win32 (no Cygwin, no VMware) port of OpenACS.

The port consists of the following components:
1. aolserver-4.5.0
2. tcl-8.4.14
3. tDom-0.8.0
4. postgresql-8.0.9
5. openacs-5.2.3

The port can be obtained at the following URL:

Hope it helps,

7: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 1)
Posted by Peter Alberer on
Hi Maurizio,

i tried to run some of the compiled .exes (aols, nsd, tclsh) on my windows XP machine "Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]", but failed. I get a message that says something like application configuration corrupt, i should reinstall.

I tried the same files on windows 2003 server with visual studio installed and it works there. Can it be that these files need visual studio installed to work? I do not have VS on windows xp.

Kind regards, peter

8: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 7)
Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Dear Peter,
I've tried the system in various instances of Windows XP (even without Visual Studio 2005 installed) and everything worked fine. I did use the most updated versions of Windows XP.

Did you, by any chance, remove the "*.manifest" files?

In case you still have problems running the executables, you should consider installing on your system(s) the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86) - also available from my site.

Hope this helps,

9: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 1)
Posted by Peter Alberer on
Hi Maurizio,

thanks for the tip with the vs Redistributable Package. Now the executables are working!

Kind regards, peter

10: Re: Win32-OpenACS (response to 9)
Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Your welcome! Thank you for spotting the need for a piece of information that I gave for granted.
