Hi Iuri,
It works (here) using today's install-ns script and OpenACS HEAD via cvs .. that's ns 4.99.12. Minor changes were made to configuration settings for adjusting to system running FreeBSD 10.3 stable using different ns and pg user and ns group.
Here's the host node mapped subsites and domains (using port 8000) with original domain or97.net, so you can confirm yourself:
/test1/test2/ dekka.com
/test3/ bitscafe.com
The logs show repeats of these errors:
"Error: Unknown driver: nssock_v4. Only know nssock, nsunix, nsssl, nsssle, nsopenssl"
which originates from util_driver_info.
Are there any errors in the logs on your site?
Want to try oacs-HEAD to help isolate the issue?