Hi Gustaf,
The invoked method? Do you mean the new ad_proc that I created (i.e. iurix_robot::parse_json or [xmlrpc::invoke] ?
I haven't post the actual content here. It was just an example. Plus, the new method has nothing yet but logs. It only prints the arguments within the file error.log. Furthermore, "<, &, >, etc" special tags are not missing.
Certainly, the xml received has no sintax problems. I split the huge request (i.e. the one with 100000 chars) into two requests of 50000 chars and both worked just fine.
The second argument of the new xmlrpc ad_proc is a json array. See bellow.
ad_proc -public ix_robot.parse_json {
} {
It parses the json sent through xmlrpc
} {
ns_log Notice "Running ad_proc ix_robot.parse_json ..."
ns_log Notice "$token"
ns_log Notice "JSON \n $jsonfile"
return "OK"
I believe the size limit constraint is related to XMLRPC Lib http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/doc/libxmlrpc.html, but I haven't learned yet how to handle it yet.