The situation has not changed since 2015; according to docs, the current code of oacs-dav is not working for AOLserver or for NaviServer since at least 10 years (the see [1] for the details).
As stated several times, one problem with WebDAV is, that the various WebDAV clients built into several systems behave differently and even for one OS, these are moving targets. I've implemented in the past a fairly broad WebDAV support for OpenACS (5j ago), working for the Mac/Windows/Linux clients of that time, which was used by several groups in the learn@WU-system, but as we are a large organization, people use various versions of Windows/Mac-OS X/... various problems popped up due to changes bundled with the OS versions (people using older/newer versions of the OS, one has to configure the OSes with registry entries to work at all, etc.). Furthermore, problems popup up in complex cases, when user drag large folders, causing easily several hundred backend webdav queries for a single drop operation, which is a pain to debug.
... so, maintaining WebDAV is very costly. If the main goals is to upload many files with a single drop operation, one can use drop-zone in the xowiki menubar - with does not have the issues mentioned above.