Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: ANN New version of IMS-LD 1.2.0 tagged and released

Hi Jose Pablo,

Thanks for that new release of imsld package. I've installed it on a fresh install and now will "play" with it.

However I've noticed a couple of things:

- The packages are tagged as 1-2-0-final but the info files say it is version 1.0d (imsld) and 0.1d (imsld-portlet and dotlrn-imsld).

- The pg upgrade script is "upgrade-0.01d-1.0d.sql" but previous version of imsld was "0.1d" (not 0.01d) so it won't be run at upgrade time.

Thank for the info Emmanuelle. These glitches will be quickly fixed. As usual, we are eager to get your feedback once you "played" with the tool.
Thanks very much Emma!

The name of the script has been fixed, even though when I tried it before committing everything went OK. I think that it was because the APM looks for every upgrade script with a version number lower than the current one and runs it, no mater what.

Regarding the tag name, I had understood (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) that the package version in the info file and the CVS tag name do not necessarily have to be the same.

Thanks again for your feedback.
