Forum OpenACS Development: Re: OpenACS on ohloh

4: Re: OpenACS on ohloh (response to 3)
Posted by Hamilton Chua on
Yes, the BSD license appears to come from the ajax libraries.

In subversion, there is something called svn::externals where upon checkout of a package we can define external sources that would be fetched and downloaded along with the other code in the repository.

It's like a symlink to other svn repositories. All of the ajax libraries use subversion. When we switch Subversion, svn:externals would be a great option.

I wonder how easy/hard it would be to write tcl procs that do the downloading and integrate them to the install callback for Ajaxhelper ?

5: Re: OpenACS on ohloh (response to 4)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
actually, not only: the xotcl stuff has the same license as XoTcl itself, which is BSD based. Tcl, tcllib, PostgreSQL hav a very similar license.

But, it complains only about Apache Software license, academic free license (never heard about it before) and the PHP license. i wonder, how the classification of licenses is done. if found the 4 files with the PHP license in acs-templating/www/resources/xinha-nightly/plugins/ImageManager
which are just part of the xinha tar ball and can be dropped without much harm. Where are the files with the Apache and the "academic free license"? I would like to have a button or an overview page, where one can see the license and metric values of ohloh.

if you look around, about every larger project lists some conflicts. I wonder, why distributing packages with different license from one place is a problem (all Linux distributions would have the same).