Forum OpenACS Development: Re: document builder from xowiki pages

Posted by Torben Brosten on
wow. Add a way to run some safe db queries through the wiki, and you'll have the framework needed for manufacturers to publish manuals --even difficult ones where each product is essentially a prototype or unique/custom order.
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
xowiki has multiple options for filtering information. the actual version of xowiki has filtering for books per categories and allows "and" and "or" operations for the filtering.

To demonstrate these features, i have added a category tree "audience" with "beginner", "developer", "contributor" to, mapped the tree to test-doc, and categorized a few pages. Here are the results:

Book for contributor

Book for developer

Book for contributor or developer|578376

Book for contributor and developer (pages having both categories),578376

The same filtering works not only for books, but also in the single page mode. In the following example, the table of contents contains only the pages categorized for beginners.

Best regards
-gustaf neumann

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Excellent. Exactly what I was looking for. Merci vielmals.