"We have many (too many) install guidelines for the basic installation, which are in different states and suggest to install different versions of packages. Putting this on a wiki is not the solution to get a simpler and consolidated version, but this rather leads to increase of the manifoldness. For example, http://www.openacs.org/xowiki/tcl-install refers first to tcl 8.4.7 then to 8.4.13, where the actual and strongly recommended version for threaded applications is 8.4.14"
The content from tcl-install comes from https://openacs.org/doc/current/aolserver4.html.
The "current" docs at https://openacs.org/doc/current/ are pretty much deprecated by lack of upkeep even if the OCT has not made a decision in which way the docs should be continued.
The wiki is leading to a consolidated version. The doc/current docs are for installing by source code, and include innumerable short cuts and a maze of cross references depending on the flavor of linux one is using and the options one wants to install.
Readers have to wade through and attempt to ignore a significant part of the content because it refers to other *nix flavors. Forum history shows how readers (myself included) frequently misread and either accidently miss or execute too many commands as a result of poor distinction between special cases.
With the wiki version, readers will have about 1 or 2 more urls to go through, yet less reading of content (words etc). One requirement in the wiki docs is to have readers only read what is relevant for their task at hand. Printing out the docs in both cases for any one particular *nix will show a decrease of reading of about 40% or more! That also translates to fewer chances to make mistakes etc.
Gustav, the "8.4.7" in the tcl-install page is only showing an example of what a function returns. Is that really the largest criticism you can express? Certainly the wiki documentation is not yet perfect, yet it still meets much more of the documentation requirements than the doc/current version.
Why not focus your constructive criticism of the docs where your expertise is needed most ie. in the engineering docs (including platform docs) which I am told are full of outdated material... at least, that is the rumor. I cannot tell what is accurate there without much pondering and meditation.