'if' is a stop-word in english, so it doesn't get indexed. You can also restrict indexing of other lexem types by specifying the types in the admin screen when the openfts-driver is created. This configuration is a little obscure, but I've put a script in the examples sub-directory which will list all of the lexem types supported by the current version of openfts. Running it, you wil get the following output:
403 eusdawi@edgedsp6:/home/unix/wickstrom/web/openfts/tcl/examples>./types.tcl
1 => Latin word
2 => Cyrillic word
3 => Word
4 => Email
5 => URL
6 => Host
7 => Scientific notation
9 => Part of hyphenated word
10 => Cyrillic part of hyphenated word
11 => Latin part of hyphenated word
12 => Space symbols
13 => HTML Tag
14 => HTTP head
15 => Hyphenated word
16 => Latin hyphenated word
17 => Cyrillic hyphenated word
18 => URI
19 => File or path name
20 => Decimal notation
21 => Signed integer
22 => Unsigned integer
23 => HTML Entity
In my current setup, I have it configured to not index html tags, space symbols, and HTTP head. The openfts driver also allows you to restrict what is shown in a headline display.
I don't recall the search package ever giving a warning for using stopwords for search terms.