I have been moderately successful in adding general-comments to a photo-album instance - without any sophistication, though. All images get the link.
I just looked at the code in a couple of the packages that use general-comments (news, photo-album-lite (not ported to PG yet))
This adds a "Add a Comment" line to each photo in photo-album.
I stole code from photo-album-lite and added
<if @the_comments@ not eq "">
to package/photo-album/www/photo.adp just before "@photo_nav_html@"
and added
# try to set comments
set the_comments [general_comments_get_comments $photo_id]
set general_comments_link [general_comments_create_link $photo_id [ns_conn url]?[ns_conn query]]
to package/photo-album/www/photo.tcl
This works OK for the admin, but I now have to work out how to give permission to other users to add comments!