Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Spanish dotLRN translation

Posted by Ernie Ghiglione on

How are you? I hope you are doing fine.

When I was translating the forums, I encountered a bunch of words that I really don't know which way they should be translated. Here are a list of words that I'm not really shure which word we should use to translate:

Attachments: Archivos Adjuntos?
Body: Cuerpo del mensaje?
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Forum Posting: Enviando mensaje al foro de discusion (este puede que salga mas en terminos de contexto)
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Your Note: Su Comentario?

Words that I couldn't even start to translate 😊

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I would like to hear your comments about the translated words and if you agree with those, cool. Otherwise, just let me know what other suggestion we can use.

Same as if you need help with other modules or words... Muchas gracias,
