Forum .LRN Q&A: Spanish dotLRN translation

Posted by Ernie Ghiglione on
Hey there,

I'm currently helping with the spanish dotLRN translation and I have notice that there are some other people doing it as well. Therefore, I would like to use this thread to agree with you about a common language of translation.

Just as our fellow Germans have been discussing whether to use the "You or you?" I would like to address some of these issues in Spanish.

Please if you are translating in Spanish for dotLRN please write here so we can start our conversation regarding the common language words to be used.

Muchas gracias y adios amigos,


Posted by Jorge Garcia on
Hi from Spain, Ernie.

I'm beginning the spanish translation.

How could I help you?


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione on

How are you? I hope you are doing fine.

When I was translating the forums, I encountered a bunch of words that I really don't know which way they should be translated. Here are a list of words that I'm not really shure which word we should use to translate:

Attachments: Archivos Adjuntos?
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Your Note: Su Comentario?

Words that I couldn't even start to translate 😊

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I would like to hear your comments about the translated words and if you agree with those, cool. Otherwise, just let me know what other suggestion we can use.

Same as if you need help with other modules or words... Muchas gracias,


Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
Hi Jorge,

Sorry I didn't see this thread before and I post my message there:

Posted by Rafael Calvo on
The same way there is a Portuguese" and "Brazilian POrtuguese", should we have two Spanish (Spain, Latin American)? The differences aro often quite big, specially in computer terms. I was just looking at yahoo in spain and in argentina and they are pretty different

How about following one of these big sites as standards?

Posted by Rafael Calvo on
By the way Ernie,

I just tried posting your doubts to

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me dio:

Carta Los usuarios enteros del hilo de rosca pueden crear los hilos de rosca nuevos en los hilos de rosca pendientes de una del hilo de rosca identificaci?n del padre que fijan la opini?n de los hilos de rosca del rechazo de la pol?tica que usted puede

pretty funny translation

Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
Hi Ernie,

I confirm your translation:

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Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
Ernie, Jorge,

Are you still translating?
I want to help but, as Ernie said, if you are then we have to agree on a common vocabulary.

Waiting for your answer.

Posted by Jorge Garcia on
Hi, everybody

Travelling out of city.

In a few days i'll return.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione on

Yes, I still am. However, I'm waiting for an update regarding the necessary translation changes on the translation site.

Check this thread out:

In any case as you suggested, we need to agree on a common vocabulary.

I have seen there has been some changes in the translations, so we must agree on common terminology for the following words: (your votes are welcome)

Files = Archivos? Documentos?
Create = Alta? Crear? Añadir? (aqui creo que dependeria el caso, pero uds. me pueden decir que les parece)
Classes = Cursos? Clases?
Templates = Plantillas?
Archived = Archivos de?? Archivar? Archivados?
FAQ: Preguntas más Frecuentes? Preguntas? Preguntas Frecuentes? FAQ?
Subject = Asignaturas?
Departamentos = Departamentos? Facultades?
Edit Pre-approved Email Servers = Editar lista de servidores de correos aprovados? Editar dominios pre-aprobados? Editar dominios de correo pre-aprobados?
Forums = Foros? Foros de discución?
Item = Elemento??
Permissions = Acceso? Permisos?
Occurrences = Repeticiones?? (I need help on this one)
live version = Version Activa?

If you have others, please let me know. In addition, I'm still struggling to translate this words:

Thread (??!??!)
Posting Policy
package instance (!?)

Let me know what you think would be the translation for those.

Moreover, I do agree with Rafael that we need to have diferent versions of Spanish adapted to countries. However, I wonder whether is best to have one generic spanish versin first or start multiple translations simultaneously. What do you think?



Posted by Emmanuelle Raffenne on
Hi Ernie,

Check this thread out: message-view?message_id=64636

I've seen it and I was wondering (I don't understand everything in english) if we have to wait or not to go on. There's some message that can't be translated, an example is the world "no": it's used as the negative (not yes) and as the "there is no ..."; we can't translate that.

In any case as you suggested, we need to agree on a common vocabulary.

Definitively, yes!

  • Files: Documentos (when it's a porlet title), archivo(s) when we refer to specifics files.
Create = Alta? Crear? Añadir? (aqui creo que dependeria el caso, pero uds. me pueden decir que les parece).

I agree. Create a file is "añadir" or "crear". "Alta" is for "join a group/forum ..."

  • Classes: in Spain, "Clases" is used when you go physically to a classroom, when it's online, we prefer "curso".
  • Templates: Plantillas
  • Archived: Archivados
  • FAQ: Preguntas más frecuentes
  • Subject: Asignatura
  • Departamentos: Departamentos. "Facultad" (faculty?) is a set of "departamentos".
  • Edit Pre-approved Email Servers: Editar dominios de correo pre-aprobados
  • Forums: Foros
  • Item: "Elemento" is not used. Maybe it would be better to leave it as "item".
  • Permissions: Permisos
  • Occurrences: if it's in a search context then "ocurrencias"
  • live version: Versión activa
  • Charter: privilegio (or) carta. I'm not sure. In which context did you see it?
  • Thread: hilo
  • Posting Policy: política de envío
  • View: vista
  • package instance: instancia de paquete/aplicación. Here too, it depends on the context.
  • Unapproved: no aprobado (or) sin aprobar
Moreover, I do agree with Rafael that we need to have diferent versions of Spanish adapted to countries. However, I wonder whether is best to have one generic spanish versin first or start multiple translations simultaneously. What do you think?

I agree with Rafael, me too. I think that it would be very dificult to have a generic spanish translation; it would be better to have es_ES, es_AR, etc...