Hi Jarko,
I had the same problem as you do but on Debian 3.0 once upon a time, and I gave up then. However I just tried again to install Oracle 8.1.7 remotely over ssh (openssh) and it works! (Well I have managed to display the Oracle Universal Installer) ... If the installation will complete entirely remains to be seen.
Before, I logged in to my remote server with "ssh -X mailto:nsadmin@myserver.com";, i.e., as user nsadmin. I then did the initial steps from there, su:ing to oracle etc. When I tried to run runInstaller from there it failed to work (DISPLAY not set, or whatever).
But this time I logged out of the remote session altogether when it was time to run runInstaller and logged in again, this time as user oracle; "ssh -X mailto:oracle@myserver.com";. That way it "just worked".
Of course, I am on Debian but it might work on OS X too..
Try to use ssh or openssh with the -X (capital X) flag if you have it on your platform.
Good luck,