The dotlearn Handbook (generalised for dotlearn) is posted and downloadable from the website: It can be viewed or downloaded in its entirety or in its 3 Parts. These are Word documents, so you can modify them and make them your own, but MIT Sloan would appreciate whatever attribution it deserves.
Three of the powerpoints -- Short feature overview, Slide tour for Professors and Slide Tour for Students -- are also available at the URL above. These powerpoints are Sloan-specific. Other powerpoints are available through the SloanSpace community, Extranet - .LRN, .LRN Marketing subgroup, which anyone can request membership to by emailing
The User and Admin FAQs are posted to the dotLRN Project area of openacs under dotLRN Documentation, but they are not yet generalised. The Sloan User Guide that Mohan is referring to (and this is also posted here) is the same as the now generalised dotLRN Handbook posted to the website referenced in my first paragraph.
Okay, clearly this documentation is not all in one place, which is confusing and not helpful. Mohan and I will work on that and I will see that it gets taken care of as soon as possible. Also, I will begin working on generalising the remaining Sloan-specific documents and posting them for use, review and modification.