Bart and Lars,
I understand the toolkit approach and no design policy, yet with a minor tweak the current output would be greatly enhanaced without any design efforts.
If we change the default "horizontal line" into a "Vertical line" to split up the screen, and have the navigation and other funcitonality on the left of the page, it would give a full screen to the ACS output display.
I will try to make sense out of the templating system as soon as possible, so I won't have to bother you any longer, but for newbies to have a few simple options like this so the basic display looks presentable might make sense.
Maybe it would be usefull to start thinking of creating an OpnenACS "designers manual". I have a feeling a lot of features are allready available most people don't realize. A strat could be we identify which OACS members are reraly familiar with all this, and create a seperate working party. Maybe my simple ( non-merd )trials on
Tmedesk could help to write an OpenACS Designers Guidebook