Hi folks,
Just a thought...
The default openacs interface puts both the navigation and the content on a flat page. I realize nobody ever bothered about the design a user interface, but, ghiven fact that the current layout causes users to scroll down, simply because a few lines of bulleed instructions doesn't make sense. Can't we create a default interface with navigation on a left side bar, and the functioanlity righ of the navigation section instead of messing up the full screen. who needs the full screen anyway?
I think it would realy increase general usablity to have one or 2 default templates to display the tool kit's modules, instead of the current basic presentation, so it doesn't force newbies to dive into tempatting themselves.
Maybe some of design guru's we have on board can come up with a simple solution. Today I presented the default photodb to a client, the owner of a shoe repairshop with no internet experience, and he was horrified by the current display. I am sure we can do better with minimal effort. After all, it's just about displaying info a simple page without every individual user of the toolkit diving into the sourcecode.