Forum OpenACS Q&A: Template/Form: Edit Multiple Objects with one Submit Button?

Greetings all,

I am still very much an OpenACS neophyte, but I've been trying to figure this one out for a while and I've loaded almost every conceivable OpenACS package for a hint on how to do this and found nothing to work with (learning be reverse-engineering).

Anyhow, I basically want to be able to edit multiple objects from one page with one submit button, ie.

  color: red, green, blue (select widget)
  description: varchar

I want to be able to build a page that produces a list:

car1, "red", "sportscar"
car2, "blue", "minivan"
car3, "green", "sedan"

and then be able to change the color/description for all 3 cars at once and then hit submit ONCE and have the changes update.

I haven't found a great example of how to do this yet, so if anybody knows of an earlier thread or a package that does this, please let me know.


Try looking at this thread, which deals with building a list of checkboxes:

And try looking at the News Aggregator package as well:

Same concept, I think, only with checkboxes. Also I've found the template demo to be quite helpful.
