Forum OpenACS Q&A: chat applications on openACS?

Posted by Paul J. Bordallo on
I was wondering what the choices are for postgres openacs in chat applications? I am new to ACS and just learning it, but I understand that running oracle is expensive-- I may possibly use the chat for commercial applications. I read a bit about the chat module in the Documentation section and really like the abilities, but has there been any previous ports of the oracle code for postgres?

FWIW, I installed oacs 4.6.1 with pgsql 7.2.3 -- I am willing to use earlier version of oacs however if I can run the chat app with it.

Thank you,

Posted by Paul J. Bordallo on
Me again-- I actually have been reading the discussions about other chat programs, I guess my question should be changed... What I'm wdonering is, until a postgres code for chat on oacs 4.6 is made, has there been a postgres port for previous versions?

thanks :D

Posted by Ben Koot on
To keep the discussion on chat linked together, here's another solution
Posted by Ben Koot on
I am still using oacs 3.25 chat, and only recently discovered something funny. Each chat message is identified as a new user to the chat system. Could it be that this cause chat to slow down after 75 lines of text? I know acs 3.25. chat is no longer suported, but if the acs 5/5 chat packaqe uses the portions of the old code this maybe usefull to know.


Posted by Ben Koot on
oops. 5/5 should read 4.6 / 5.0
