As part of migrating our current mesh of apps onto a common platform (oacs that is), I need sort of a CMDB application (configuration management database). This will store information about various IT related configuration items suchs as servers, routers etc.
Now I was looking at how to implement such a thing in oacs and it seems that the CR is the recommended way to do it. Just create the necessary content-types and built a little ui around it to create, edit, view and delete them. A bit like file-storage, but then with specific objects.
To me it seems like the CR is basically a filesystem (with neat features like versioning) for acs-objects (well, some particular descendant of acs-objects of course, but you know what I mean).
Is that the right way of looking at the CR?
In that case, is there some kind of a generic 'cr browser' UI? If not would it be sensible to create one? E.g. a 'windows explorer'-like thing, like the file-storage but then for just any content-type. The content-type of course being responsible for delivering templates & logic for 'new' and 'index', the latter of which can provide any additional functionality required such as 'edit', 'delete', ... (the 'index' template is already provided for I believe by most (?) content-types). I guess this would be a little bit of a crossing between ETP and file-storage.
This would make building directory-like applications (cmdb, contacts, some crm basics, ...) fairly trivial IMHO, as you could borrow almost everything from the system except the specific ui-pages for your particular content-type(s).
Is that a strange thought, does it already exist or ???