Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS participation

Posted by Ben Adida on

As I ponder what to do next, it's become obvious to me that I am no longer needed on the OpenACS team. I have unresolvable differences with some of the OpenACS leadership and with some of the current architectural directions.

The right thing to do is for me to step aside. As of today, I'm resigning from the OpenACS Gatekeepers team and will likely not be contributing much more to OpenACS in the future. It's been a fun ride, but I need to pursue other things.

There are many highly capable people in the community who have unofficially been doing the work of a gatekeeper already. Lars and Jeff come to mind, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some additional names. Whatever "hole" I leave has already been filled twice over.

I wish everyone the very best with OpenACS and all other projects.

2: openacs domains (response to 1)
Posted by Ben Adida on
A quick postscript: I have the openacs.* domains registered under my name. I will obviously transfer these to whomever the leadership decides should maintain ownership of these.
3: Re: OpenACS participation (response to 1)
Posted by Randy Ferrer on
Hi Ben - We don't know each other, but I wanted to let you know that you will be missed on this forum. I am a newcomer to the OACS world and many times in running searches I find your postings highly useful and informative. Thanks for all the work you did which is so useful to many. 😊 I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.