Does anyone know when the final version of aolserver 4.0 is expected to be released? Will it contain virtual hosts and internationalization support?
I am currently running a German 3.2.5 site with AOLserver 3.3.1+ad13, but would like to install oacs 4.6 and dotLRN 1.0 in the near future. I only have one static IP + my provider gets easily scared by crackers so he closed down all ports but 80 and 443 😊 or better 😟
I tried to get access to the aolserver mailing list archive, but...
1. I had to register for simply reading the archived messages, which kinda sucked. So I registered!
2. I didn't get a reply message for around an hour. I almost thought that they would want to send it to me via UPS 😉
3. After I finally received the email, I logged in and received the following message:
"Sorry, you are not authorized to browse the archives of the AOLSERVER list from the address you entered in the login screen."
Too bad...