Hi all,
I imported the classified-ads package to the contrib section of the CVS repository.
The package is not quite there for end-user usage yet (but it's very close), so that's why I decided to put it in contrib. Since a release of oacs-4-6 is due soon, I did not want to delay it and I didn't feel like the package should go on HEAD either (nor do I know if it'll work under HEAD).
Deds, sorry about not sending you the tarball before committing to CVS. I forgot that you had asked me to do that. At least now you can check it for yourself.
Deds, I made some changes to how ads are created, so that ads could be added with a category, instead of added with no category then assigned to one.
I will be working in this package heavily in the next few days, so expect the things that need fix under www/doc/index to be worked on. Contributors welcome.