I have a request from a client to make the entire config object for TinyMCE available as a parameter.
I think it makes sense to modify the Xinha support to work in a similar way, instead of having a parameter for each seperate attribute of the config object. Right now Xinha config has two parameters, for plugins and toolbar buttons.
The basic structure would be a tcl list in array format of the attribute name and value.
I decided on a list after noticing that the current xinha support allows overriding the config with a parameter passed to the ad_form element delcaration. This way it would be possible to override the default config attributes on an individual basis for one richtext element by specifying a list of attribute names and values for that element. Then when the richtext widget is created it will be posible to loop through the default config and replace any overridden attributes with the element specific ones.
I should have an implementation of this by the beginning of next week, for review.
If anyone has a better idea please share. This seemed like the most flexible way to handle it that supports the current richtext requirements and allows more general support for TinyMCE and Xinha.