
Along with Data Validation and Versioning, probably the most vexing problem confronting the Assessment package is how to handle conditional navigation through an Assessment guided by user input. Simple branching has already been accomplished in the "complex survey" package via hinge points defined by responses to single items. But what if branching/skipping needs to depend on combinations of user responses to multiple items? And how does this relate to management of data validation steps? If branching/skipping depends not merely on what combination of "correct" or "in range" data the user submits, but also on combinations of "incorrect" or "out of range" data, how the heck do we do this?

One basic conceptual question is whether Data Validation is a distinct process from Navigation Control or not. Initially we thought it was and that there should be a datamodel and set of procedures for checking user input, the output of which would pipe to a separate navigation datamodel and set of procedures for determining the user's next action. This separation is made (along with quite a few other distinctions/complexities) in the IMS "simple sequencing" model diagrammed below). But to jump the gun a bit, we think that actually it makes sense to combine these two processes into a common "post-submission user input processing" step we'll refer to here as Sequencing. (Note: we reviewed several alternatives in the archived prior discussions here.

So here's the current approach. First, we think that the QTI components nicely capture the essential pieces needed for both Data Validation and Navigation Control (the combination of which we're referring to as Sequencing). But though not explicitly part of the QTI schema, implicitly there is (or should be) another component:

  • a destination that defines which is the next item/section/form to be presented to the user based on the evaluation of the first four elements; It appears to us that this could include the optional Data Validation step, in that certain rule evaluation results may product a "no move" destination requiring the user to remain at the current item and perform some additional action (change the result or provide an additional comment/justification)

Next we note that there are two scopes over which Sequencing needs to be handled:

  • intra-item: checks pertaining to user responses to a single item
  • inter-item : checks pertaining to user responses to more than one item; checks among multiple items will be built up pairwise

So how might we implement this in our datamodel? Consider the "sequencing" subsystem of the Assessment package:

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Here is how this might work:

  • Each intra-item "rule" (eg "age < 90") is a row in the as_item_checks table, which has columns for a "comparator" (EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, GE, IN), a "conjunction" ("and", "or", "not"), and columns for the target value to be compared (the "content_value" is an version_id in cr_versions for images etc).

    Thus to say that a user's response must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than one would involve insertion of two rows into as_item_checks (in abbreviated pseudo-sql):

    1. insert into as_item_checks (comparator,numeric_value,conjunction) values (GE,0,'and')
    2. insert into as_item_checks (comparator,numeric_value,conjunction) values (LT,1,'and')

    Then when a user submits a response to this item, the as_item_checks table would be queried as part of the "get_assessment_info" proc to get these parameters, which would then be passed to some procedure that checks the user's response by converting the "GE", say, to an actual numeric comparison in some switch structure (unless there's a cleverer way to do this via uplevel'ing, upvar'ing or exec'ing).

    As long as these criteria aren't grouped (other than the default "single group" implicit in such a statement, the as_check_groups table isn't needed. However, if you want to say a user's response must be greather than or equal to 0 and less than one OR greater than 10, then you'd insert a third row into as_item_checks and two rows into as_check_groups:

    1. insert into as_check_groups (conjunction) values ('or')
      then use this new check_group_id = 234 (eg) to insert into the as_item_checks rows:
    2. insert into as_item_checks (comparator,numeric_value,conjunction,check_group_id) values (GE,0,'and',234)
    3. insert into as_item_checks (comparator,numeric_value,conjunction,check_group_id) values (LT,1,'and',234)

    4. insert into as_check_groups (conjunction) values ('or')
      then use this new check_group_id = 235 (eg) to insert into the as_item_checks row:
    5. insert into as_item_checks (comparator,numeric_value,conjunction,check_group_id) values (GT,10,'and',235)

    If the grouping were more complex, then the parent_group_id field would get used to define the hierarchical grouping.

  • Each inter-item "rule" (eg "age < 90" or "gender = male") is a row in the as_inter_item_checks, which has columns for each of the two items to be compared in this rule, similar to the use in as_item_checks; each rule is a row in this table. Each row thus supports a pairwise check, so to test for three items would involve three rows:

    1. insert into as_inter_item_checks (item1_flds,item2_flds) values (item1_vals,item2_vals)
    2. insert into as_inter_item_checks (item1_flds,item3_flds) values (item1_vals,item3_vals)
    3. insert into as_inter_item_checks (item2_flds,item3_flds) values (item2_vals,item3_vals)

    Obviously, this schema quickly becomes unworkable since 2^n rows are required for n items, but I can't see needing more than several such checks for any real case; in fact I've only encountered the need for two items to be checked against each other in real applications. However, if there's a more clever way to do this without falling into the Bottomless Combinatorial Pit, I'm keen to hear it. ;-)

    Groups and ordering of these inter-item checks would be handled by adding rows to as_check_groups as before.

  • Navigation information is removed to the as_check_navigation table, each row of which defines by form/section/item ids where to user is to be taken based on evaluation of the top-level group (ie parent_group_id is null) for that item or inter-item check group. This table would store what is to happen (ie where the user is to go) depending on whether the item/inter-item checks evaluate to "success" (ie everything is fine so proceed), "warning" (something isn't exactly right but isn't flagrantly wrong; with an explanation we'll take that value), or "error" (nope, that's right out; resubmit the damn data idjit!").

Specific Entities

  • Item-checks (as_item_checks) define 1..n ordered evaluations of a user's response to a single Item. These can occur either via client-side Javascript when the user moves focus from the Item, or server-side once the entire html form comes back.

    The goal is to have a flexible, expressive grammar for these checks to support arbitrary types of checks, which will include both input validation ("Is the user's number within bounds?"; "Is that a properly formatted phone number?") as well as grading ("How many points out of the Item's total should this response get?"). The implementation details remain somewhat uncertain, but the general approach seems sound: define groups of checks, run through the ordered hierarchy calling a tcl/sql callback proc that performs a comparison operation, and then evaluate the results and implement some consequence (navigation, etc).

    Item Checks thus will have these attributes:

    • item_check_id
    • check_location - client-side or server-side
    • comparator_type
    • comparator_id - references as_comparators where we abstract the actual comparators
    • check_group_id - references as_check_group
    • javascript_function - name of function that gets called when focus moves
    • user_message - optional text to return to user
    • navigation_id - references as_check_navigation

  • Inter-item-checks (as_inter_item_checks) are similar to Item-Checks but operate pairwise over multiple Items. These are server-side checks though conceivably it may be possible to spin out Javascript that could perform these client-side; this will definitely be tricky though. Attributes include:

    • inter_item_check_id
    • item1_id
    • item2_id
    • comparator1_id
    • comparator2_id
    • check_group_id - references as_check_group
    • user_message - optional text to return to user
    • navigation_id - references as_check_navigation

  • Check Groups (as_check_groups) are the grouping/associative mechanisms by which Item Checks and Inter-Item Checks operate.

    • group_id
    • parent_group_id
    • sort_order

  • Comparators (as_comparators) are where we abstract the comparisons in order to support extensibly additional types of comparisons (image-image comparisons, etc). Since tcl is poorly typed but sql is not, we have to use a skinny table approach here, too. Attributes include:

    • comparator_id
    • data_type
    • numeric_ref_value
    • text_ref_value
    • boolean_ref_value
    • content_ref_value
    • blob_ref_value
    • item_null_p - this is "t" if the check "Is this Item value null?" is supposed to evaluate to True. Without this attribute, the only way to get this meaning is to leave all the other *_ref_values null and test each time that they all are null. Instead, this gives us a single, positive check. Why do we want this? There are lots of inter-item checks of this sort: "If Item(gender) = "male" then Item(bra size) is null". The comparator attached to Item(bra size) would have item_null_p = "t". (Well, we would hope that this is the case. ;-)

  • Check Navigation (as_check_navigation) abstracts out where the user will be directed after a check or group of checks is completed. We need to handle three outputs from the check functions: success, warning, failure. And we need to be able able to send the user to the next assessment, section or item. Attributes include:

    • navigation_id
    • success_next_assess_id
    • success_next_section_id
    • success_next_item_id
    • warning_next_assess_id
    • warning_next_section_id
    • warning_next_item_id
    • failure_next_assess_id
    • failure_next_section_id
    • failure_next_item_id